Friday, August 10, 2007

Rolf Structural Integration Therapy

Back pain can be… well, a real pain in the back. Just ask the two to three million people who are chronically disabled by it. As disturbing as it sounds, however, such misery doesn’t have to be something these individuals accept as a daily part of their lives. Long-term relief and hope exist in the form of a ten-session series of body joint and segment re-organization techniques called Rolf Structural Integration. To learn more about this short-term, all-natural approach to back pain, visit the program online at

The American Chiropractic Association estimates that in any given timeframe, 31 million Americans suffer from low-back pain. The National Pain Foundation statistics further indicate that between “50 to 80 percent of people will be disabled by back pain at some point during their lives.” In a quest to obtain relief from their misery, it is estimated that Americans spend at least $50 billion each year on back pain.

Given that the vast majority of back pain sufferers first seek out traditional-medicine avenues for relief from their problem, this expense figure is not all that surprising. The nation’s consistently rising healthcare costs spell a simultaneous increase in prescription and hospital coverage. Even chiropractic medicine has gone main stream in recent years, resulting in skyrocketing costs for such treatment.

Although the company recommends that all its clientele to get checked out by a medical professional, Core Structural Therapy also encourages them to consider the alternatives before resorting to dangerous painkillers and/or risky surgeries. The company’s Rolf Structural Integration series (coined by its early followers Rolfing) is one such alternative. The most advanced system taught at this time, it integrates the classical treatment formats designed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf over a half-century ago to eradicate even the most persistent back pain.

Roseann Bongiovanni, a Core Structural Therapy client, is a firm believer in the program: “When I complained about lower back pain, other therapists rubbed my muscles harder and/or longer, but never tried to identify the source of the pain. Joe’s [Ackerman, Structural Integration program developer] techniques made my back feel stronger, more flexible and with much less pain.”

For more information on how to get rid of chronic back pain, contact’s founder, Joseph Ackerman, at (781) 425-5057. To learn how the Rolf Structural Integration ten-session program can relieve back problems, visit the company online at

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