Friday, July 13, 2007

Lynch Chiropractic Adds Spinal Decompression

Lynch Chiropractic, of Salem, New Hampshire has added spinal decompression to its services.

Spinal decompression is a non-surgical treatment for the lumbar or cervical spine. It can also be used in the treatment of leg, neck or arm pain that works by reducing loading of the spine. Spinal decompression has evolved into a breakthrough treatment for herniated and degenerative spinal disc disease, one of the major causes of back pain. This non-surgical treatment for herniated and degenerative spinal disc disease heals the injured spinal segment by minimizing intradiscal strain. Chronic low back pain disability is the most expensive benign condition that is medically treated in industrial countries. It is also the number one cause of disability in persons under age 45.

Spinal decompression alleviates pain by increasing the capacity between the discs. This allows the disks to return to a normal position. It’s one of the one most effective treatments for severe cases of degeneration herniation, arthritis, stenosis and pressure on the spine. Spinal Decompression is a catalyst for healing because the therapy stimulates the cartildge to renew which it cannot do on its own because. The actually stimulates nutrient rich blood filling the disc space and evoking the healing response.

“Patients think that spinal decompression must hurt to work when the opposite is true. For spinal decompression to work, it must be virtually painless,” explains Dr. Lynch. “I see the patient for 20 to 30 minutes. Patients may need approximately 20 visits over a 6 to 8 week program to completely heal. Many are pain free in 6 to 8 visits, but the body is still healing. I have had patients complete the program while still working. This allows patients to be treated without the traditional down time of surgery and rehabilitation”

Spinal Decompression is ideal for people suffering from bulging or herniated discs, chronic back or neck pain, sciatica, disc degeneration who are looking for a non-surgical approach to regain their health back.

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